A Line Dress: Everyday Sophistication

The A Line dress is a classic and one that always flatters the figure. There is a reason women love it. It’s something that works for all sorts of occasions. You can see women wearing the dress at the office, for parties, at the park, it’s just one of those amazing everyday versatile dresses.

Like the classic little black dress, the A line is a outfit that every woman needs to have. But, unlike the little black dress, you can have more than one. When a woman is shopping for a little black dress I suggest that they get one really nice one. It doesn’t have to be couture, but it should be a high end designer. That’s because you’re only going to have one. If you have several, then it’s not as practical to get a whole bunch of expensive designer dresses.

The A Line dress, on the other hand, is something that you can have several of. I still suggest getting good, designer A Line dresses, but you don’t have to go full out and get the most expensive designers. Unless you have the budget!

The design, A Line, comes from Dior. The basic cut was popular up until the 1980s when it faded in popularity. But it resurfaced again in the late 90s when designers began to work with the silhouette. You had couture from Dior and Yves Saint Laurent and this inspired other designers to get involved and start making A Line dresses.
Now, you see them everywhere. TV Anchorwomen, Reporters, Media Personalities, everywhere. They are great because they are relaxed, yet form flattering. They have a nice natural flow to them. Here are some choices to look at. 

While you can get an A Line dress virtually anywhere, I do suggest getting a designer dress from a good store. I personally like Neiman Marcus, Saks, and Bergdorf, for dresses. They sell designers (high end and mid price). You don’t have to go broke for a good dress. In fact many really exquisite designers are only a couple hundred, which is fantastic.

When you are getting an A Line dress you have the option of going Mini, Mid Length, or Long. Most A Lines are going to be Mini or Mid Length. The Long does not really work well with the A Line. So here are the choice picks. You can check them out at Neiman Marcuc.

These first three are going to be a few hundred at least. If you are on a budget, then check out the following section where I have some picks that are much more affordable.


 This next one is a bit pricey, but its a beautiful Carolina Herrara A Line dress, so I had to include it.


This is another exquisite design by an amazing designer. This Lela Rose sleeveless comes in two color options.


Here are some really beautiful dresses, that won't set you back too much. These dresses are available at Nordstroms. 

These first two are from Betsey Johnson. She designed a realy cute and fun A Line look.



Here is a really sophisticated design from Kate Spade. This would work well at the office, and works great for parties. That's the great thing about a good A Line design. They are the ultimate in versatility.


And, finally, a classic, amazing look from Hugo Boss. This is super sleek and sexy. It's one of my favoriate designs.



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