Brazilian Bikini Butt Workouts: Lift Your Butt!
Brazilian Bikini

If you’re planning on wearing a Brazilian bikini, or a cheeky bikini, then you want to make sure your butts looking great. A bikini looks great if you look great. So, here are some exercises that will help tone up your butt and lift it. You can do all of them without weights. There are some exercise that are weighted, and I’ll give you a bit of a reason as to the difference between weighted butt exercises and non-weighted.

So, who’s got the best butt?  Jenn Salter has arguably the most famous butt in the world. How did she get it? Well, lucky for you she is not keeping it a secret.

Jen Salters Favorite Butt Workouts:


Donkey Kick

This is the most popular exercise for getting your butt ready for a Brazilian bikini. The beauty of this exercise is that, aside from its name, it’s beautiful. It is the most basic and efficient method of toning your ass and giving you the best butt possible.

The reason I like the donkey kick for butt workouts is that you don’t need a gym to do it. You can do it on the floor of your living room or bedroom. It is perfect for isolating the glutes and hitting them in exactly the right spot. Some exercises like squats and lunges, which are great, are tricky for women new to exercising because you will end up hitting your quads more than your glutes. With the donkey kick your going to isolate those glute muscles.

Here is a video of how to perform a Donkey kick. You will do these without weights. 


Standing Kickbacks AKA Chair Kickbacks


These are a modification on the original. You can do these without getting down on the floor. You stand and place you hands on the back of a chair and then kick back one leg. These are good because they also help you maintain balance. Keeping balance helps stabilizer muscles.

Like the donkey kick, these are perfect for isolating your glutes. You don’t have to worry about using your quads instead. These won’t use your quads. If you have trouble hitting your glute muscles, give this exercise a try.

You can also do these against a wall if you like. 

Squats Without Weights

 Squats are the most famous exercise for your butt.  The great thing about doing squats is that you can add weight. This is good for building muscle. Other exercises are good for toning, but squats are the best for building a butt. If you have a flat butt, then you should look at doing squats. You can squat without weights to start, but by slowly adding weights, you can really enhance and get a great bubble butt that will look amazing in a Brazilian bikini.

The first move to to do unweighted squats. You want to make sure you have proper form. If you don't have proper form, then you will hit your quads more than you're butt. You want to isolate the glutes. The glutes are the ass muscles. When you see a woman who has a perfect apple ass in a bikini, she's got great glutes.

After you have the form down, you can add weight. Now, you won't add lots of weight. You are not going after a powerlifter look. You want a nice sexy butt for a bikni. Think Jessica Alba.

Here is a video that will show you the perfect form for your sqats.

You can add weights once you have perfected the form. Most people think that they have to use a barbell when they squat. But this is not true. You can do dumbbell squats. This is excellent because it allows you to not have to worry about balancing a bar on your back. Instead, you can focus on form.

Here is a video for doing dumbbell squats. It also shows you the correct form for the exercises.

So, what type of bikini are you looking for?

The most popular bikinis are Brazilian bikinis and cheeky bikinis. If you're spending time making your butt look great, then don't get a saggy old fashioned Binni. No matter how tight and toned your butt looks, if you get a full coverage bikini it won't look good. You want something that is figure flattering. Check these out.

Here are two very sexy bikinis from Victoria's Secret that are awesome for showing off your booty.

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