Bikini Butt Workouts

Are you planning on wearing a thong at the beach? A bikini?

If you are, you'll want to get your butt into awesome shape. You want to get the hot bubble butt that makes a bikini look awesome.

There are lots of scams online that claim to be able to let you lose weight fast, get sick pack abs, or the perfect body in 7 days. Well, it's a scam. You can't do any of these things in a week.

But you can most definitely improve your butt over a few weeks or a month or so. It is something that takes a little time every few days. But it is really, really worth it.

How fast and how much of an improvement you see depends on a bunch of things.

Are you petite? Or are you curvy. It all depends on what you have to work with. If you have a flat but, then what you're going to be doing is building muscle, or building a butt. If you have a butt already, but its not lifted and shapely like a nice apple, then what you will be doing is toning.

Toning and building muscle are two different things. So if you are really petite and have no butt so to speak, you are going to want to build a butt. That means doing a bit of a different routine than one for women who have a butt that they are looking to firm up.

Toning Up Your Butt

Toning up your butt is going to require you to do lots of toning exercises. Surprise Surprise.
You're going to want to do lots of reps, not alot of weight. You can add some weight, but for toning purposes you don't want to do heavy squats with a barbell like people looking to build up their glutes.

You want to tighten up your glutes, not add to them. 

You might not even have to add weights. Some women have good results doing non weighted exercises like kickbacks, squats, and lunges. So let's take a look at the most popular exercises to get your butt tight and toned up.

Exercises for your Butt without Weights


I actually like kickbacks the best. Most articles about getting a better butt focus too much on squats and lunges. They are both good and I woudl recommend using them, but kickbacks are my absolute favorite butt exercise.


Because they are the best way to isolate the glutes. Alot of people have problems when they do squats because they will often feel most of the push in their thighs. It takes a bit of practice to get a squat posture down right and even then, you will spread the effort between the thighs and the but.

But you don't want bigger thighs, right? No. You want a toned up butt.

That's why the kickback is so cool. It is hard to not hit the glutes when doing a kickback. They are the number one muscle being used.

Here is a great video showing you how to do a kickback.

Butt Lift aka Butt Bridge

This is another one of those awesome exercises for your butt. It's really popular in Brazil. Brazilian women want a super toned butt because they wear bikinis on the beach. The aim of this exercise is to tighten and lift the muscles. You want a firm butt that will fill out the bikini bottom nicely. It's another type of unweighted exercise. You can use a yoga mat, or not. You start this exercise lying down on the floor as opposed to the kick style. Basically, you lie down on the floor, bend your knees and lift yourself up.

Donkey Kicks

These don't sound sexy, but they help you get a really sexy butt. The whole purpose of these is to really work out the glutes. It looks like a kickback, but it more of a vertical kick. Sometimes the terms are interchangeable, but often they are used to describe a slight different variant. The donkey kick will have less extension on the leg, and more height in the kick. Here's a video that shows you a perfect posture.

 Weighted Exercises for Getting a Nice Bikini Butt

These are exercises for building your butt. These exercises also tone, but because of the added weight they help build the muscle. So they are perfect for flat butt, or pancake ass as some ladies call it.

Basic Dumbbell Squat

I prefer a dumbbell squat to a barbell squat. Dumbbells are safer. You're not putting anything over your head or on your back. The weight is enough to give you a good workout, but not so much that it will stress you out. Leave the barbell squats to bodybuilders and power lifters.

Make sure to watch the video to the end because the fitness model shows you how it looks from the side as well. You always want to keep the back straight and not bend over. Watch her for her form.

Dumbell Lunges: Jamie Eason Demonstrates

Lunges are fantastic for getting a bubble butt. To make them even better add weights. You do this by holding a dumbbell.  In the video, watch Jamie's form. She is a professional fitness model and she has perfect form. Remember, good form is better than high reps. Not only will good form protect you from injury, the better the form the better the muscle is worked out.

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